Index of /sass/notes/docs/5 LEVEL FIVE/PAEDRIATRICS/

NameLast ModifiedSize
UpParent Directory
DirectoryChild health Ishhhh2021-11-17 08:46-
DirectoryPAEDS OSCE2021-11-17 08:46-
DirectoryPaeds pastpapers prab2021-11-17 08:46-
FileABDOMINAL MASSES IN CHILDHOOD mod.ppt2021-10-27 08:51 916k
FileAccident,Unintentional injuries in children.ppt2021-10-27 08:51 107k
FileAccidents in children cnotes Prab.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 1866k
FileAcute asthma in children .pptx2021-10-27 08:51 360k
FileAKI.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 3040k
Fileanaemia evaluation.ppt2021-10-27 08:51 328k
FileBirth Asphyxia prab 7.1.2020.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 1574k
FileBLEEDING DISORDERS.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 116k
FileBreastfeeding jaundice vs breastmilk jaundice.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 79k
FileCare of HIV Child paeds prab cn.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 3262k
FileCerebral Palsy cnotes prab.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 717k
FileChild Abuse Lecture.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 404k
FileCHILD RIGHTS Mutai.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 164k
FileCHILDHOOD OBESITY.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 991k
FileChildhood Pneumonias Part I.ppt2021-10-27 08:51 1484k
FileCKD.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 1932k
FileClinical Genetics Prab CN.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 1966k
FileComa.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 151k
FileComatose Child cnotes prab.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 1254k
FileCOMMON SKIN CONDITIONS 2020.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 16949k
FileComplementary Feeding Prab cnotes.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 1909k
Filecongenital paeds prab.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 2020k
FileCongestive cardiac failure .pptx2021-10-27 08:51 50k
FileDehydration _ 5th Years 2020.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 644k
FileDeterminants of Child Health.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 9928k
FileDEVELOPMENT.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 863k
FileDKA MANAGEMTNT.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 4201k
FileDKA slides incomplete Prab.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 520k
FileDOC-20200109-WA0052.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 6093k
FileEARLY DIAGNOSIS OF MALIGNANCY.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 147k
FileeMTCT- oct 2018-2019for MBCHB.ppt2021-10-27 08:51 7347k
FileGE- Diarrhoea Cnotes prab.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 1692k
FileGINA-2019-main-Pocket-Guide-wms.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 1746k
FileGrowth And Dvt Prab cnotes.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 3795k
FileHepatosplenomegaly .pdf2021-10-27 08:51 1515k
FileHepatosplenomegaly.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 298k
FileHepatosplenomegaly.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 263k
FileHistory Taking in Neonatology(1).ppt2021-10-27 08:51 119k
FileHistory Taking in Neonatology.ppt2021-10-27 08:51 119k
FileHow to detect intrathoracic TB in children using the plain CXR_28012020_updat...2021-10-27 08:51 13522k
FileKANGAROO CARE (KC) Aug 2018.ppt2021-10-27 08:51 7736k
FileKangaroo Mother Care cnotes prab.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 3371k
FileLBW class notes prab.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 1445k
FileLecture on Taking of history in Paediatrics.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 62k
FileLOW BIRTH WEIGHT BABIES_DR MAALIM.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 1231k
FileMALARIA.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 1096k
FileMANAGEMENT OF MALNUTRITION-2.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 10943k
FileMicrocytic Anaemia.ppt2021-10-27 08:51 5622k
Fileneonatal jaundice cnotes Prab.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 1360k
FileNephrotic lecture.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 326k
FileNephrotic Syndrome.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 303k
FileNNS paeds prab-1.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 1891k
FileNNS paeds prab.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 1672k
Filenull-1.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 7127k
Filenull.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 2955k
FileOSCE PAST QUESTION-1.docx2021-10-27 08:51 14k
FileOverview of Seizures in Children - BKK - 29.11.2019.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 841k
FilePaed Arthritis cnotes Prab.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 2395k
FilePAEDIATRIC AIRWAY Macharia copy.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 6025k
FilePAEDIATRIC AIRWAY- Foreign bodies, Anatomy of Airway.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 2236k
Filepaediatrics burns cnotes Prab.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 3488k
Filepediatric pneumonia2 .pptx2021-10-27 08:51 1652k
FilePNEUMONIA_dm28012020.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 5471k
FilePneumothorax(1).pptx2021-10-27 08:51 2334k
Fileprolonged neonatal jaundice 2017.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 354k
Fileprolonged neonatal jaundice 2017.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 555k
FileProtein Energy Malnutrition.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 7320k
Filepsychiatry children prab cnotes.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 2615k
FilePuberty evaluation and PP.ppt2021-10-27 08:51 1719k
FilePyrexia of unknown origin.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 498k
FileRational antibiotic use cnotes Prab.pdf2021-10-27 08:51 3209k
Filerds newborn.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 10127k
FileRheumatic heart disease .pdf2021-10-27 08:51 1502k
FileRickets .pdf2021-10-27 08:51 1761k
Filesickle cell disease emergency.ppt2021-10-27 08:51 1433k
FileTB_undergrad2020_27012020.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 1994k
FileThyroid disorders.pptx2021-10-27 08:51 944k
FileUrine Tract Infections in children.ppt2021-10-27 08:51 856k
FileUTI.ppt2021-10-27 08:51 923k
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